Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's a big deal

Assalamualaikum brothers & sisters!

I know I've said that I'll be away for awhile but I have a little time on my hands, so why not? =]

This past few days I've come to realised that I am not being the best muslimah that I could be and what scares me is that I have no intention of improving myself, Astaghfirullah wa atoobu Ilaik :/ until I watched this video fo the quality of Salah (solat/prayers/sembahyang) though the quality of the video is really bad, I didn't managed to watch it until the end but what I've got from that video is that (and one of the biggest fact that I've forgotten!) how big of a deal salah is - a huge deal that we'll be questioned by our creator about this. yes sure, a majority of us may pray 5 times a day but it's not all about the quantity (I'm not saying it's not important but there is another factor that is equally important)'s also the quality of our prayers! - remember: while we are in salah, we're speaking to Allah directly.

I am guilty of this, sometimes I'm not kusyuk in my salah :( I think about other stuff while I'm in salah which is very very bad. So now, I am trying to find ways to improve my Salah. So brothers & sisters please keep me in your doas, pray for me that I will be able to stay kusyuk in all of my daily prayers! Amin.

oh btw, if you're wondering what the picture have to do with this post...well nothing, I just thought it's a cute picture :p lol