Thursday, March 10, 2011


Assalamualaikum Brothers & Sisters!

I Hope everything is well.

As promised I'm going to update my blog today :P......I shall call this my journey blog :P :P

What's been on my mind is wealth, yes money is on my mind. why? dearest brothers and sisters in faith oh! FYI please check out and click podcast and download their tafsir, they have really really good ones! and it's free :) you can listen to it when you're getting ready for school/work or before you go to sleep.

As I was saying! why is money on my mind...because we all need money, we all want money until the extend of consuming riba (interest) which haraam in Islam. so say no to interest! there are other means to increase your wealth! seeing all this celebs & singers earning this much and that much and soon it is firmly implemented in our heads money will make us happy and I can assure that it will not, it is the human nature to be greedy at times...ask yourself why do all this wealthy people buy all this expensive properties? why do they need a big piece of land, when they only need a place to shelter themselves? ok sure, they commute a lot but...why do they have to have mansions of 3-5 acres? Imagine those millions of dollars they could've spent feeding the poor.

Again, it is firmly implemented in our brains that this will make us happy, for those you have taken basic economics... you should know, human wants are unlimited. We will never be satisfied in life by those materialistic things such as fashion, properties, cars and etc. The only way that we could attain peace and satisfaction by worshiping Allah SWT. Those celebs & stars they seemed to have everything and they should be happy, right? but no, you see them turning into a druggie/drinker, in and out of rehabs, dying of overdose, divorce, shaving their heads or whatever. I mean think about it, if they were genuinely happy than what is the purpose of them turning to alcohol and drugs? if they were genuinely happy, they wouldn't need to get all high and drunk..losing touch with reality.

So yea don't so caught up in this world, I mean in not saying we all should be poor or anything :p HAHA just be grateful for what you have, don't compare yourself with someone who is wealthier than you...look at those people who are less fortunate than you, those people who don't have homes, striving to provide their families...that way you'll be grateful for what you have and appreciate the rezeki Allah have given you and say Alhamdulillah :)

BUT in another should look at someone better than you. In what situation does this apply?....when you want to change to be a better person :)

E.g. see your friends doing drugs, you don't say "they're doing heroine, alhamdulillah I'm just doing pot" I mean hahaahhaahahhaah! doesn't that sentence just sound so wrong to you?


You look at another sister wearing hot pants & sleeveless and say "Alhamdulillah, atleast I'm semi-naked, I'm just wearing skinny jeans & a tight shirt" when it was inside your head it doesn't sound so silly, does it? :P to see it in written form or saying out loud sounds so..........nonsensical.

so yea, imagine if you were standing next to a niqabi...wouldn't it be awkward? to be a better muslim you look at someone who is better than you, find better company if you must.

Brothers & sisters stop chasing this materialistic world and start chasing the akhirat.......