Friday, March 18, 2011

A post from the heart

Assalamualaikum everyone

I am grateful for what Allah have given me, I feel truly blessed and loved. Alhamadulillah. But there will be a time life can be difficult, your patience is running low, your desires & temptations to indulge in this world is great, there are times you're dragging yourself when you should be leaping to wake up for Fajr prayer.

.....yes it is a constant struggle, living in the 21st century is definitely hard, exhausting at times, everywhere you go, you commit sins with your eyes, seeing things that you shouldn't, the sisters making it hard for the brothers to lower their gaze. They couldn't help but to peak, stare, admire their beauty. Sisters couldn't help but to show their beauty, feeling the pressure to look good, in constant fear how they look and what people think of them. So-called romantic movies and songs, creating false hope and desires in you...there is a reason why they are called fairy tales because it does not exist in reality. Songs that doesn't have meanings singing about girls as if they're objects! songs like Bruno Mars -Marry you, as if it's easy to just get married and divorce the next day and making it sound so upbeat and fun. Making it sounds so harmless.

yes living in this century is tough especially for those you have lived and loved this material world. To just give it up, it is not easy my dearies. You will cry, you will feel frustrated, you will feel lonely, you will feel exhausted. you will be in an emotional turmoil but mashallah despite all that you will be happy :') a step worth taking, an emotional turmoil that it worth going thru. what is better than living eternally under his throne in Jannah? what is better than meeting the creator himself every Friday in Jannah? What is better than meeting our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and having a chat with him? What is better in this world than receiving the love of Allah? nothing is. This world that Allah have created for us to live in temporarily means nothing to him, it's like a dead carcass to him. If it means so little to our creator than why should we obsess over it?

If I were to ask you, what is your purpose in life? what is the purpose of Allah creating you? is it to just live and have fun and then just die? of course not! Think about it.

"If we do not get upset whenever we miss an act of virtue or prayer and if we do not feel shame after committing an act of disobedience to Allah, then that is a sign of the death of our (spiritual) heart" - Ibn Ata illah Iskandari, Al-Hikam ul Ata'iyah