Sunday, March 13, 2011


Assalamualaikum brothers & sisters!

Tomorrow I will resume back to my hectic life :P

As usual my mind started to wonder...* initially this is not the topic I wanted to post* lol before you click the x button, hear me out :)

Lets talk about sacrifices.

What have you sacrificed in life for the sake of Allah? Think about it, ponder over it, sleep on it. no, seriously. think about it..what have you given up for the sake of Allah? does anything come to mind?

Lemme give you an idea.....

a music lover gave up music for the sake of Allah after knowing listening to music is haram
a girl traded her love for fashion for abaya and hijab
a muslimin or a muslimah gave up his/her sleep to pray tahajjud
a youth gave up his/her youth for the sake of Allah.

Lets look at the last point, being a youth is the best time of our lives, agree?

Have you ever thought of giving up your youth for the sake of Allah?

hanging out with our friends, having a 'good time', party, doing reckless things, being in love, being heart broken, daydream,flirting,experimenting life, being curious, being adventurous, being temperamental, being super dramatic = youth.

Whoever gives up the things that they love for the sake of Allah, trust him that he'll give you something better. Remember: Allah is the most just, he will never be unfair and he will never let good deeds unrewarded :)

We are all young once so don't waste it! do good in this world and be good in this world because you don't know when you're going to die, you don't know if you're going to live past 20. you don't know. even if you have to give up your desires as youths.

why waste your time going to cafes and talk about useless things, watching useless things? why not make use your youth to be better while you still healthy? why are we wasting our time cyber stalking people on Facebook? Why do things that does not benefit you?

If you think about it carefully, we are our own worst enemy. haha! we truly are! youths have soOoOo many desires and sometimes it can be overpowering and we cave in. no joke.

First of all, no one is expecting you to give up your youth at one go :P take baby steps. remember to pray, remember to put on your hijab, doing all the obligatory commandments. second, find better friends if you must - find friends that are supportive and conducive to your progress. Third, give up the things that you love....for the sake of Allah. (giving up bad things that you love)

There will be a time where your patiences is running thin. This literally feels like detoxing yourself! :P hahahaha this can be a constant struggle but just pray to Allah to make this easy for you and inshallah it will be :) surround yourself with good supportive people!

Jazakallahukhairan for reading. Hope you will benefit something from this :) Islam is beautiful, it truly is, don't you think?