Sunday, March 6, 2011


Good Morning & Assalamualaikum!

I've come to realised that I drink wayyy too much coffee! :S so I'm trying to find a healthier alternative :p I NEED ENERGY GIVING FOOD...& enough sleep. lol (btw I slept around 4am after drinking kopiko coffee at 6pm yesterday) Alhamdulillah it's Sunday, I need rest.

Working from 8am to 5pm from Monday to Friday and Saturday from 8am to 12pm and overtime until 7pm does take A LOT of your time.. & energy :S and drinking coffee all the time just doesn't cut it. Also I have to make time for studying. Yes, I still study...I have tuition classes on Monday and Wednesday night for 2 hours and I have to study another subject by myself without any tutoring (cause I couldn't find a good one haha!) at least an hour 3 days a week. So you see how packed my day is....and I'm already behind on my Quran reading, I'm down from 4 pages everyday to 1page to none, which is truly sad. heh Also I'm trying to squeeze in Tajweed classes at least 15 minutes a day, obviously I haven't perfected my Tajweed yet! (I'm 4 classes behind!)

Call me crazy but I want to squeeze in 2 more things inside my schedule.....Night prayers & Pilates (LOL welcome back! :P) - I left this like 3 months ago which another thing I used to do frequently.

Ok so here's the break down:

Quran reading, daily prayers, night payers = Commandment from the Al-mighty Lord + for the goodness of the heart and soul :P

Pilates, eating right = For my physical being (basically I have to be supergirl to fit everything inside my schedule LOL) - I NEED ENERGY

Another reason why I need an electronic organizer! So Brothers & Sisters in faith make doas for me...Inshallah, I CAN DO THIS!

I would just like share this with all of you :P I'm sure some of you need energy giving food too. hehehe!

Btw if you have any suggestions/thoughts on how to manage all this, please come and share at my Formspring. Jazakallahukhairan, I would highly appreciate it :)