Friday, April 22, 2011

alittle breakie

Assalamualaikum and Hi!

I know it's been a while but this week has been rough for me but alhamdulillah, I wouldn't change a single thing :)

I know this totally beats the purpose of this blog but I just want to post something personal, something that is just totally unrelated to religion, I guess.

Turns out I MIGHT be allergic to eggs! :O I just had my shot this afternoon and the doctor told me I can't go to work which I have to say, it got me a little bit worried. lol cause my work is piling up and I just hate to leave it like that :p the reason I say I might be allergic rather than saying I am allergic to eggs is because....I am pretty much in denial. lol lol I love eggs :( and you don't know how unbelievably itchy my whole body is right now. hahahaha unless well you have allergies (I'm allergic to seafood too btw!) then you know what I'm talking about!

All in all, everything is fine. I do remember having some dramatic moments through out the week :p I guess I do need a mini spa day or something. lol

Btw, at some point I thought I might have the chicken pox for the 2nd time, which is of course is very rare but it does happen and I thought to myself maybe just maybe I will have to skip my convocation (which will be in 2 weeks time!) it's sad but..but we just have to remember everything is pre-ordain and everything that goes on in our lives is already been written. Itu adalah takdir Allah. I really really did thought I have chicken pox. lol! cause my body my itching for 2 days already :p

hehe that is all.........till then assalamualaikum and good night!