Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hijab is not a trend, it's a commandment

Assalamualaikum Brothers and sisters!

I know I change my blog template way too often but I can't just settle for 1 blog skin :/ lol

Don't you think this one is prettier? :D

Anyhoot, Let us continue about 'Hijab is not a trend' post shall we?

First thing I would like to say is that Alhamdulillah that these businesses are selling and made easy for us to find clothings for muslimah :) so Jazakallahukairan for that!

Also Don't get me wrong but I do love these sisters (Which I will mention in a few!) These ladies are well known sisters for being a Hijabi and a Fashionista! I love fashion and I love the fact that they wear their hijab proudly and wear it in such a way every girl would love! Just so you know Hana Tajima hijab tutorial was the 1st one I've watched and the 1st hijab style I've ever worn ;) I prefer wearing a pashmina wrap hijab style than a regular square hijab a.k.a Tudong, I find it more secure and it gives me more coverage ;) anyway, it may differ from your opinion cause it does take twice as long as wearing a regular tudong. lol

As I was saying! :P fashion moguls like Hana Tajima, Dian Pelangi, Fae Abdulla, Yuna, Aishah Amin and so on, they're modest yet beautiful!

So when you combine these two things (business + fashion mogul) it does create something great but at the same time it does produce something negative.

What kind of negativity does it produce?

Say...a small business currently selling Hijabs and during very well and she wish to expand her business, naturally what goes with Hijab is clothes and she wants clothing that appeals to all ages especially the young ones...lets say.. between the age of 18-35? after doing her research she discovered these fashion moguls and is 100% sure that this will attract the youngsters and started posting pictures of these hijabis saying "(insert fashion moguls name) inspired clothes coming soon!" and the ladies will get all excited :P

So what so bad about this?

One thing you have to remember through-out this post is wear the Hijab for the sake of Allah, only him and no one else..not for your boyfriend, not for your friends or for the sake for pleasing others because the only one you need to please is Allah, his opinion should matters above all and everything comes second and this includes how you dress yourselves as well.

Lets talk about the negatives firsts :)

At times these fashion moguls do not cover their feet or neck but they do cover their hair, whether you realize it or not, it does create something in you that says "hey, she's not covering her feet!...but she's a hijabi she should know what shes doing, right? I guess it's ok not to wear your socks once in awhile......." lol ok fine not exactly like that but somewhere there, ya? :P

Sooner or later it'll become something "normal" and casual. Don't believe me? Look around you and be many ladies have you seen that wears hijab but wearing a quarter sleeve or completely covered except for her feet or her neck? and the fact that no one said anything about it, makes it even sadder :( as if people are not aware that your feet is considered to be your aurat.

Second thing is that, you're wearing it for the sake of fashion not for the sake of Allah. One thing that I've noticed is that some sisters do not want to put on the hijab or dress sensibly because it's boring, it's plain..there's just nothing fashionable about it until these fashion moguls came and showed them yes, you can be fashionable yet be modest!

And you know what's sad about this one?

The fact that sisters take this as an opportunity to dress fashionably when they feel like wearing something sensible especially occasions where your grandparents are there or during Ramadhan, you see sisters who normally don't wear their hijab suddenly adopted it, I'm not saying it's a bad thing, it's awesome but wouldn't it be better if she kept it on even after Ramadhan?

So yea, wear it for the sake of Allah and for nothing/no one else :) Hijab is not a trend, it's a commandment.

'Abd-Allah Ibn 'Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that, 'Whoever wears clothing to be known (to be recognised), on the day of resurrection Allah (The Exalted) will make them wear the clothing of disrespect and then set on fire.'

Allah (The Exalted) likes to see his servants wearing good clothing, the way that our beloved Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) wore his clothing

Now lets talk about the advantages!!

  1. Excess for sisters to be modest yet fashionable provided that they completely cover themselves of course!
  2. Make it easy for us to shop, providing lots and lots of variety of possible modest clothings!
I know it's kind of brief :P but it's self-explanatory, no? hehe

Lemme know what you think, again I would love to know your opinion :)

Have a pleasant night!