Thursday, April 28, 2011

I know you know and you know that I know....

This video made my day! lol mashallah wearing hijab is like a huge sign that says "IM A MUSLIM" ;) Jazakallah sister for recommending me this on Facebook! May Allah bless you and your family for sharing such a wonderful video!

I know I talk a lot about hijab, I don't know it's just something so beautiful and so pure.

Since I am on this topic, I have been day dreaming all day about this!!....I want to create a hijab awareness video of my own, I've realized that even those who are born Muslims are not fully aware of the beauty of wearing the hijab and what it does to you, how people will judge you by your words and your actions and not by how you look.

Some sisters just wear it because their parents told them to, they're not wearing it for the sake of Allah likewise for those who wears it for the sake of fashion.

I don't mean to sound so arrogant and condescending towards sisters who don't wear the, but to make you realize that wearing the hijab is an order from the Al-mighty and one day Allah will question us why we did not protect the jewels (our beauty) that he has given us and why we disobey him putting our desires above him.

I am not here to judge anyone because Allah alone is the only one who has the authority to do so day I will be judge too.

If you're saying yes you understand the consequences of not wearing it and still refuse to do so then that's not between you and me but it's between you and your's always been between you and him. yes, you have free will or free speech or whatever you call it....

We have to realized that Allah doesn't need us but we need him ;) Allah is fine without us worshiping him, he is after all the sustainer/al-azeem/al-khabeer and all the other 96 attributes I have not mention.

What about us?..............are you sure you'll able to survive without the mercy of Allah?

I bet you know the answer to this one ;)