Sunday, May 1, 2011

Misconceptions, misconceptions....

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Hi I was just sitting down my super comfy sofa and was watching videos on youtube and I came across to another video made by an atheist and my tummy was little uneasy listening to what he has to say but I couldn't press the X button but instead I browsed more on response from atheists. As Muslims it is our responsibility to learn more about our deen.

You know why?

You may know a not-yet-muslim brothers or sisters in your life and some are just really curious people and some even might ask you about your religion,believe it or not other religions are very intrigued by our religion. They find it hard to understand why women cover themselves, why we are not allowed to eat pork or drink alcohol, why dating is haram and etc.

People would just say...the answer is simple...because it is the commandment of Allah Azawajjal essentially yes that is true, that is the main reason but some people just don't understand why and they believe everything has a reason and we couldn't blame them to be curious and being rational.

For example...

you're watching a football match lets say liverpool vs Man U then while she/he was one the phone, one of the players scored....

friend: what happened?!?
you: (insert footballers name) scored!
friend: OMGWHKP HOW?
you: pasal bula masuk ke palang

hahahahah! you get what I mean? :D that's a very direct clear cut reason why they scored but if you think about it, it's not the correct should be something like 'ohh the keeper was distracted' or whatever other reasons like that.

Essentially yes it is the commandment of Allah SWT, more often than not they wouldn't be convinced. But for us Muslims that statement alone is enough, we believe the religion of lailahaillah. what I'm trying to say is we don't need to be convinced but other people who don't believe in Islam needs to be. Why? because they don't know what Islam teaches us and it's our duty to spread the love :) the religion of Islam does not specify that it's only for the arabs, it is for the whole mankind!

Take dating for an example.

It's becoming a norm in society to have a partner in your life, it's not weird at all even in Islam communities, brothers and sisters mixing's something we see everyday.

What so bad about this?

We have to understand that syaitaan will do his very best to misguide us in every single way that he could and when you're alone with your boyfriend/girlfriend. Guess what? Syaitaan's the 3rd wheel. no joke. Syaitaan won't shout at you to commit Zina but rather he'll whisper to you..

"maybe you should hold her hand, it's romantic"

...wrap you arms around her, ok fine that nothing hanky panky going on....kiss her cheek let her know that you care.......and one thing lead to another and what if you are not very lucky and ended up becoming a mother at 18?

and some will be convinced that "you're not that kind of person" what do you mean you're not that kind of person? Allah created everyone to have desires but this desires is meant to be fulfilled when you are in a lawful relationship. Imagine if the world understood this, imagine if abortion was something foreign to us, imagine the decrease in STDs, imagine not going through those horrible heartbreaks, depressions, frustrations & silly mistakes we made. Don't you think it'll be a better place to live? no more little babies being abandon by their mothers! but we all know that is not the reality...

You see, Islam is preventing us from all the bad things in life because Allah knows what is best for us :)

So it's important for us to seek knowledge, clear all the misconceptions and how they're perceive Islam and show how truly beautiful and perfect the religion of Islam is - it's a way of life. It's a way of life of all the messengers of God that is to believe there is only 1 god (Allah) and Muhammad is his final messenger. who knows maybe you'll be able to change your not-yet-Muslim friends to embrace Islam, wouldn't that be amazing? :)