Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Don't be hatin'

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone.

I haven't been updating a lot but today I finally have the time to just sit now and blog :)

So I was watching videos on Youtube, I stumbled upon a video... a very lovely lady converted to Islam...but unfortunately left the religion last year, so I was curious what made her leave and of course I was not the only one who was curious. lots of muslim youtubers were too, she actually made a video explaining why she left, so I decided to skim through her comment box and I was surprised there were some muslim "hater" comments and I was obviously taken aback.


First of all, the person's comment was not nice at all. A lot of swearing and whatnot.

Second, it just doesn't sit right with me - the person is a muslim but judging another person. It's just contradicting what Islam teaches.

Third, he/she was commenting as if this lady does not have feelings at all - regardless of what her religion is now, it's not right to just bash someone like that, I thought it was just plain rude, mean and condescending.

Now, is it enough to conclude that this lady is "such a bad person" or "never a true muslim" by a 2 minutes explanation video? My mind was at how fast people were on "attacking" her without knowing the whole story - yes it is a sad thing she left Islam but neither do I think it's right to judge someone by a 2 minutes video, who are we to judge when we are full of flaws ourselves?

Also, we say Islam is the religion of peace but here we are criticizing others as if we don't have enough sins to worry about and just go ahead and dump more to the pile. How are we going to invite people to Islam or at least change their views on Islam (which probably most westerners thinks muslim women are oppressed which obviously we are not) The media is doing a good job itself making Islam a "bad religion" and just criticizing, being arrogant towards others is not going to help it.