Saturday, June 4, 2011

It's all about you!

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone :)

So I was watching the latest episode of the deen show, do check it out...very very interesting, it makes you seen music in a new light. Anyhoo, I am a music lover...I am just completely obsessed with it and probably one of the hardest thing I have to let go and I am still struggling with it but Inshallah with Allah's will, I will be able to let it go completely, my itunes is empty now (yayyyy!) what Mohammad was saying was right (the person Eddie interviewed in his latest episode) I knew this at the back of my mind but I keep pushing it back...because I love music so much. Astagafirullah. So I decided to look up the lyrics for some of the music I used to listened to and it does make a difference after everything has been stripped away, all the beats and whatever is taken out and just read it at it's barest form and whatever that was concealed under it, is not pleasant at all :/

You might what am I talking about? try searching for lyrics of your favourite song and read with an open heart and sincerity....

Here are some lyrics of the songs I used to listen to.....

"No matter gay, straight or bi
Lesbian, transgendered life
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born to survive" - Born this way, Lady Gaga

We all know being a gay, bi, lesbian, transgendered life is not how Allah created us, we were NEVER born this way - Media have a huge influence, if you think about it, they're actually encouraging people to be "get of the closet" and embrace them, saying you were "naturally born that way" and of course it is not true and instead of asking Allah to guide you to the straight're just running from it.

"Cause it's a beautiful night
We're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby
I think I wanna marry you

If we wake up and you
Wanna break up, that's cool
No, I won't blame you
It was fun, girl" - Marry you, Bruno Mars

I think the lyrics itself explains it all, don't you think? they make it sounds so easy to just get married and get divorce, just slap it with an upbeat tune and *bam* hey! it doesn't sound so bad! If you think about it, it should be the saddest thing!

"I’m all black and white inside
Monotonous from left to right
I decorate my house with things you love
Just in case you show up
In case you show up" - Decorate, Yuna

This one is a love song about a boy who left his girlfriend and left her broken-hearted - I guess more people can relate to this?

This is basically singing about an unlawful relationship, they guy left the girl and found a new one and they girl was broken hearted and tried her best to hate him but wasn't successful, was having wishful thinking that this guy will return to her one day...- well, it's just basically promoting unlawful relationship saying its part of life and you're suppose to go through this, get all heart broken and deal with it and move on. well as, muslims we shouldn't even consider having a unlawful relationship in the 1st place anyway....... :) (save you some time going through all those heart brakes. lol)

There are just other songs are worse than this, everything is about you you & you

Do what you wanna do, be who you are, you're only young explore everything, don't let anyone stop you for doing the things that you love and blah.

lets just say.......dude we're not created to have fun and enjoy this world, we are created for the purpose of worship but Allah is not telling us to live in a cave and just pray. it's ok to live your life, just remember Allah, the hereafter and death, live your life like a traveler on a short journey like...

If you're going for a short holiday for 3-4 days with your family, you don't pack up your whole house do you? only take things that are essentials for your trip :) you get my drift? :))

Have a pleasant night everyone!