Thursday, August 4, 2011

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh :)

How's your Ramadhan so far?

It's fasting month and we all know that syaitan is locked up (yay!) now we shall face our true colours :)

I made a commitment to post everyday in Ramadhan - FAILED (again!) but I shall post 4 more to catch up, Inshallah

Today I'll share my 5 top articles from which btw is one of my favourite websites to read inspiring articles and I hope you would be inspired too!! all the articles there are great but these are the ones that I really enjoy reading.

*articles not in particular order*

This is a very recent post and instantly became one of my favourites, best part of the article (in my opinion)...

"And the Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wasallam told us that if a person ever suffers an injury from someone else and they forgive that person, then Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala will raise that person’s rank, and will forgive the forgiver’s own sins. SubhanAllah, your forgiveness is a reason to be forgiven. So practice forgiveness inshAllah, and also remember that the person who does notshow mercy is not shown mercy. Practice forgiveness of yourself and practice the forgiveness of others."

Now this is one of the articles I love to read during my "dark" days as we all know our Iman is not constant up high :) very awe inspiring, one of the makes-you-feel-better articles. two-thumbs up!

"It can be hard, really hard, to battle the snake of temptation.

It slides and slithers around you so maliciously, and yet you let it, until it reaches your face and you’re blind to everything else. It increases its grip and squeezes tighter and tighter. You can’t breathe. You can’t see. You’re lost and scared and you feel so hopeless, so ashamed. You cry. You plead. Do you give up? Do you let the snake overcome and take control? Do you sigh and allow yourself to be suffocated, allow yourself to lose – just because the snake of temptation is flashing his bright colors, is hissing through your mind, gliding around your neck and taunting you? What do you do?"

I thought this was an amazing reminder, it reminded me who I want to please...which of course none other than our Lord, Allah Aza-wajjal but sometimes we forget. This is just one out of thousands of articles reminding you the purpose of life...that is to worship Allah not Dunya.

"The question remains: who do we want to please? Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala or mere people, who themselves will suffer for their own sins and shortcomings? Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala or Shaytan himself? Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala or our personal desires?"

Females who wore niqabs are not better than females who wear hijabs only and females who wear hijabs are definitely NOT better than females who don't cover themselves at all. Hijab is not an "indicator" for piety.

This one I have to admit, it's been one of my top 3 favorites ever since I found out about and it still is, so I highly recommend reading this one :)

it's an article about the struggle of a servant, struggling to please his lord. 10/10

"…At least, that’s what she had heard. She had decided that Allah, God, was her Beholder. She then realized that she could not define beauty herself or let anyone else define it for her. She had come to the conclusion that He was the only One to please, so she embarked on the journey of discovering what beauty was in His eyes. As she learned day by day, she practiced day by day. She slowly started to beautify herself according to His standards."