Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Rehab in Ramadhan

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone :)

Hope everything is well. Alhamdulillah, I'm doing great ( just in case anyone of you are wondering :P)

Ramadhan is an excellent time to reflect on ourselves, this is the time we are stripped away from syaitan's whispers and finally revealing our true self....and it can be scary. It may reveal things we might not like but have no fear Ramadhan is the greatest time to fix ourselves..fix our intentions, our attitudes, our behaviors and etc basically molding ourselves to be a better servant to Allah.

Today is the 8th day of Ramadhan and I found things or behaviors that I need to improve and I can't do this alone, dua helps ALOT. So make sure you do plenty of them :) and Inshallah you will overcome those weaknesses and never lose hope!

Here are some tips that might work for you, inshallah :)

Identifying your weaknesses

First of all, you need to spot your weaknesses. If possible write it down somewhere, by doing this it's easier to identify and you know which one you need to work on first and gradually working on every single one on your list.

Make the intention to change

Second of all, make the intention to change those habits/behaviors or whatever that needs improvement and again seek help from Allah and make plenty of dua together with your efforts of avoiding doing those habits/behaviors.

Doing extra good deeds

Try doing extra good deeds every time you feel like giving up, give yourself a little boost :)
i.e praying terawih, finishing the whole Qu'ran this month, listening to a lecture and etc.

I hope this will help you in some ways, lets work on ourselves together and be a better servant TOGETHER :)