Monday, September 12, 2011

Beware of....the green eyed monster!!!!

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone :)

On top of your head, what is one of most ugliest emotion a person could have? apart from hatred, anger and ignorance......and that would be jealously. There is always be people in your life that is wealthier, that you think is prettier, more brilliant and etc than you. This is not only my personal opinion but it is really something frowned upon in Islam.

hadeeth which was narrated from Jaabir ibn ‘Ateek al-Ansaari, who attributed it to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “There is a kind of jealousy which Allaah loves, and a kind which Allaah hates. As for the kind of jealousy which Allaah loves, it is jealousy when there are grounds for suspicion. And as for the kind of jealousy which Allaah hates, it is jealousy when there are no grounds for suspicion.” 

sigh. Life is so unfair


You see, our lord is never unfair..after all, he is the must just.

and you keep wondering to yourself, if he is the most just than why is my next door neighbor lives in a huge mansion with billions of cars and swimming pool and a tennis court and has his own McDonald's branch at his residence like Richie Rich while you are stuck in a rut living in a small home that  is probably comparable to his tool shed? 


Why is your best friend so beautiful - flawless skin, pretty smile, big beautiful eyes framed by long thick lashes while you're stuck with cystic acne all over your face?


" wow, that sister writes beautifully..I wish I could be more creative like her. "

Why do we wish to be like someone else when Allah created everyone to be unique? to be their own individuals?

"Beware of jealousy, for verily it destroys good deeds the way fire destroys wood" [Abu Dawood]

Would you consider this to be a test from Allah? Would you consider that Allah MAY test your patience and gratefulness through individuals in your life? :) Trials and tribulations can come in so many forms, whether it is a personal jihad..struggling to be grateful to things you have in life instead of comparing yourself to someone whom Allah blessed them with wealth while there are others who are starving day and night, thinking what are they going eat tomorrow?

Something to think about :)