Tuesday, October 25, 2011

sinning is junk food pt I

Assalamualaikum everyone :)

I had some free time on my hands this morning at work and I know its not complete yet but it is something that I have meant to post for quite sometime now and I honestly hope that you enjoy reading. i shall post the part II some other time. This blog has been very dormant..so I decided to post half of it first :)

I've been so busy these days. i'll try to post once in awhile,inshallah. 

enjoy <3

Sinning is Junk food part I

Sinning is like eating your favorite junk food, it satisfies your craving but never your hunger or your thirst. By the end of the day, you consume more calories than you intended. Yet it never bothers you

You complain life is hard, you say life is unfair and your life is just full-of-dramas yet you still consume what syaitan fed you horrid music, fornication, partying, drugs, alcohol and you expect life full of happiness in return? You body needs water like you heart and soul needs the words of Allah but did you even think twice before reaching for that coke?

Now you’re in your 30’s, so young but so unfortunate to be diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol . just like the heart…tainted and filthy, struggling to hold on what is left  your imaan.