Wednesday, January 25, 2012

say it like you mean it

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Inshallah – if Allah wills it.

But yet some doesn’t even know what it means thought they might know WHEN to use it. You get my drift? Several says it out of habit without knowing what it truly meant like we say it out of politeness when rejecting an invitation that we do not wish to attend.

Person A: A bunch of us are praying at the masjid tonight, you should come!
Person B: inshallah, I’ll try my best

What person B meant was: I don’t feel like coming but I don’t want to be rude by being straight forward and say no.

Though our intention is good but to use it in a context without knowing the meaning of inshallah defeats the purpose and why would you want to say things that you do mean?
You HAVE to know what it means to mean it :)

Have a fantastic day ahead <3

Lots of Love,
Little Miss Hijab