Saturday, March 24, 2012

Islam compares backbiting to cannibalism

When I say backbiting, What comes to mind?

When I first heard the word "backbite" first thing come to mind was gossiping. More or less, it is what it is.

Backbiting is saying something he/she dislikes regardless whether it is true or not with or without his presence. Backbiting can be done even without even saying a single word BECAUSE your facial expression or even your body language can express what you think about a person, simply shrugging,rolling your eyes or "making face" just the mention of a person's name, shows how your truly feel about them and we know how Allah feels when his servants backbites..........

"Would you love, that you would eat the flesh of your brother?" 

The one who is listening to someone backbites. Both would be eating the flesh of their brother. 

3 things we should remember before speaking:
  1. If you know you're going to speak evil of someone, don't say anything.
  2. If you have something good to say about someone/something (i.e the weather or etc) and that will benefit both parties(or more), go ahead.
  3. If you're not sure, having doubt whether it will benefit you or not, don't say anything.
What is not considered backbiting?

Whatever bring goodness is not backbiting, be watchful and control your tongue, protect the right of others :) Allah knows our intentions. 

"Who is your companion?"

"Who is your friend?"

"You have the same religion as your friends, if your friends are backbiting, you will follow the same sin. Choose your friends carefully - find someone who reminds us of Allah and not attacking the honor and dignity of others"

I am trying out a new thing and it's called taking notes. LOL

Some important points that I've learned just by watching the video below :)