Monday, April 2, 2012

March Quotes!

Assalamualaikum everyone!

Hope you enjoy the quotes below! :)

The best investment you can make is to give for the sake of Allah SWT. What better return on your investment can you get than Paradise?

When you fear something, you run away from it. But when you fear Allaah, you race towards Him, the most merciful. SubhanAllaah

♥ - Good things come to those who pray.  

Work hard. Believe. Be humble. Listen. Love. Don't make the same mistake twice. Never settle. Be confident.

No one ever said on their deathbed: I wish I would have spent more time at work.   

When you get angry, remember Allah, & how short & worthless life is to waste in being angry

Muslims dont need a commercial/innovated day to appreciate their moms, Islam teaches us to be kind, loving, & obedient all the time to them

We never truly appreciate the sunshine until it rains. Such is life, we never appreciate the good times until the tough times arrive.

When you get little, you want more, when you get more, you desire even more, but when you lose it, you realize LITTLE was enough.

If you want to know which attachments are creating a barrier between you and Allah, look at what you often think about during salah (prayer)

Be kinder than necessary. 

It's not easy to be patient when you're restless. But, It's not hard to lift up your hands in supplication to Allah & ask Allah to help you!

Renew your intentions every time. Our deen is based on intentions. So every actions must be done for Allah's sake to be rewarded.

If you possess all the knowledge in the world but have bad manners, who will want to receive knowledge from you?

If you find people admiring you, remember; it is only because Allah has hidden your bad qualities from them.  

Fajr: Think of a time when you had to catch an early flight, bus or exam; think of how your heart, body and mind were switched on.

O Allah purify our hearts, guide us, forgive our sins and let the last of our deeds be the best of deeds.  

Think of all the words emitted from our mouths today. Which of them brought us closer to God, and which of them dragged us further from Him?

Allaah says Jannah is awesome, imagine how awesome that is when the All-Knowing is calling it awesome

Allaah tests us with suffering & with sorrow. Allaah tests us not to punish us, but to help us meet tomorrow

The Qur'an guides you to the recognition of your illnesses and to their remedies.  

Nothings more attractive than a guy who’s passionate about God. Who praises Him with all his heart, and isn’t afraid to show it.

Someone you should admire isn't one who's always been good to you, but one who's always been good to anyone. 

How can I go find an evidence to prove a God exists, when everything around me is an evidence. Even I myself am an evidence! (Ibn Taymiyyah)

Everyday may not be good, but there's something good in everyday. 

Da'wah is not about converting people - rather it is about informing & educating people. After that , Allah guides whom He wills =)

The Qur'an guides you to the recognition of your illnesses & to their remedies.