Sunday, February 20, 2011

A little bit of something

Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters! :)

Before I start I got the image above from igotitcovered, I thought it's beautiful so I would just like to share it with all of you :)

I know I've been gone for quite awhile...again another beautiful sunday. My room lighting is not working properly but hey atleast one of the lights is still working, so alhamdulillah :)

Watching lectures on youtube or The Deen Show is becoming one of my daily routines....I would like to share with all of you the 2 videos that truly moved me. One was from Yusuf Estes discussing about the unforgivable sins in Islam and of course we all know that is syirik , I've learned so much though I need to watch the lecture again. lol and the second one is Ego and Islam by Nouman Ali Khan rated 5/5!

I will post the videos at the end of this post for those who are interested in watching :) ....

So speaking of Nouman Ali Khan....He's the CEO of Bayyinah Intitute. Ok, as a Malay girl. Naturally arabic is not my mother tongue. You know why I'm saying this?

This thought came into mind everytime I read the Quran, I don't understand what Allah is telling me cause I don't understand Arabic...I don't speak the language :( and I said to myself 'hey I can just read the translation' but the thing is.....I don't want to read someone's translation ( I know this sounds bad but let be plead my case first :p) it's not like they did a bad translation of it, they did a great job, Jazakallahukhairan :) but the Al-Quran is a miracle itself and the fact that I cant understand it by myself its just sad...Why? Reading the translation is like cakap ajuk and cakap pindah. lol :P

What I'm trying to say is that reading the tafsirs is someone's translation of the quran...not our translation. We can't feel the miracle of the Al-Quran firsthand...Subahanallah imagine if we were to understand it directly...understand every single word of Allah firsthand. Subahanallah wouldnt that be remarkable? Just reading the tafsir is good enough of course,we get the general idea what Allah is telling us but we cant feel the miracle. so back to my point....Bayyinah institute is offering a 10 months course, the dream course which I think is an amazing programme. check out their website at

so yes what I'm trying to say is that I would love to learn arabic and understand the Al-Quran and feel its miracle and yes the idea of joining the dream course did come to mind. Hopefully I would be able to, Inshallah :)

Oh another suprising thing happened yesterday....This girl inbox-ed me on Facebook and asked me whether I wanted to be her model for her "The beauty of Hijab" photoshoot. lol it felt good not because she picked me to be her model but she sees me as a hijabi (awww :p) which honestly did moved me alittle :p

As promised here are the vids!

Let me know what you think on my Formspring!!!