Monday, February 14, 2011

My 2 cents

Assalamualaikum Brothers & sisters!

Today of all days my brother decided to pick me up from work and we went cruising around and oh my excuse me for being too blunt was really hurting my eyes :(

What is, you ask....

Well, the sight of women displaying their beauty. yes their beauty...their hair, arms, legs and thighs...AGAIN sorry for being too blunt but don't these women have any respect for themselves? Ok, i used to not know this but did you know the aurat between females is between the navel & the knee? and these girls were basically proud of showing them, which is truly truly sad :( is our beauty THAT cheap for everyone to see? or is it "expensive" that only "exclusive" people can see? sorry for the lack of vocabulary and grammar, I am aware of it :P as long as you can understand why I'm trying to say then it's enough LOL

Ok so there's so many things running through my mind right now and it's so hard for me to construct proper sentences for you guys. lets see if I can put my thoughts into words:

First question in my mind is...

why do women dress like this?
  • For the sake of fashion
  • Attention
  • Confidence
Fashion? ohh yeaa~ the floral puff sleeves, skinny jeans, high waisted skirts & bla bla bla.We spend so much money on them, buying clothes that are "in", shoes that hurts your feet, hair products that makes our hair smells disgusting....................why do we have to spend so much on it?

Why do we have to look like Kate Moss? or Megan Fox or whoever. Allah gave us what they've we not have eyes? do we not have legs? All these magazines telling you how she wears her makeup, where to buy her dress, how to look like this or how to look like that, her daily exercise routine, what she eats...........

you being unhappy with your physical being, is like saying you're not happy with what Allah gave you. I guess you can say some of us are blessed with perfect figure but my question is why do you have to flaunt it? why do you have to show it to everybody. We are not fashion's slaves...we are Allah's slaves.

I believe that fashion leads to attention. Having everyone praising you feels good, right? how the dress is so pretty on you, how the skinny jeans fit on you perfectly, how it makes you look tall.....and it goes on.

First question: Would you rather be praised because how precise you read Quran or would you rather be praised on how fashionable you are?

Second question: Whose opinion matters more...Allah's or friends/boyfriends/girlfriends/"fashion police"?

Why do we need all the unwanted attention? those whistles? those up and down stares? feed our ego, to reassure ourselves that we're pretty. but guess what? Allah made us all beautiful in our own ways =]

and what comes after attention? mmhmm that's right...c.o.n.f.i.d.e.n.c.e~
confidence is good for the ego *sarcasm* That little black dress that hung perfectly on you, that makes you feel more "confident"....and the list goes on and on.

-Sometimes we just have to let go of our desires...desire to dress like we want to, see what we want to, do what we want to but y'know it's not about's about serving to the Al-Baseer, Al-khabeer,Al-hakeem..the creator of you & I-

I, myself have a lot of work to do. It is not for me to judge, not at all...the purpose of this post is to wake you up. What makes you think you're gonna live another day? What if you die in a state that is displeasing to Allah? and we all know where we go when that happens................and I sincerely do not want that for you.

One day, We are all going to be judged by our actions & deeds. So ask yourself....are you obeying what is Allah is telling you to do?