Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My top 5 webbies!


So brothers and sisters what shall we talk about today? hmm hmm hmm I know! how about My top 5 Websites? :D ok fine i came up with the idea this morning at work and listed down my top 5 webbies already :p LOL. Just so you know, I LOVE all the webbies! so it's kinda hard to number them, personally I think they all deserve the #1 spot :) Lets start, shall we?

Why I love it?

It is full of interesting and inspiring stories about wearing the Hijab, sisters from all over the world telling their stories, their journeys about being a Hijabi or a Niqabi (sisters who covered parts of their face) how they struggle or how much they love wearing or hated wearing it, wearing Hijab is not just about covering our hair its more than that! don't get what i mean? check it out yourself :) another reason why I love it is because these are REAL journeys, REAL feelings, REAL's not something that is made up and the fact that it's real, it's easy for us sisters to relate! here is one of the article that i truly truly love: A reflection on beauty

Why I love it?

Well Islam QA is a fatwa website. I see a few people from other religious websites recommending this :) basically where people asks questions and they would answer it, most of my questions that I had when I first "re-introduced" back to Islam is answered in Islam QA. It's very very useful, especially for those you have SO many questions about islam, it is HIGHLY recommended!

Why I love it?

ok, the deen show hands down is better than Oprah! LOL why? simple...he talks about Islam :) but not in the boring way! he has scholars coming in like Yasir Qadhi, Navaid Aziz, Dr. Zakir Naik, Nouman Ali Khan and rappers like napoleon from the outlawz, Loon & Abu Taubah. Mashallah! I am addicted to the deen show! he talks about all the relevant stuff! (duh) in a way we young people can understand~ trust me it's not boring AT ALL! i love this one particular series where he talks about death & the hereafter, definitely an eye opener!

If you love the deen show too, the i suggest you to watch this :)

alrighty! lets move on to the next one!

Why oh why?

BECAUSE....they are just simply amazing to read! so upbeat, witty, funny and encouraging. No joke! for this one is for the sisters :) they talk about.....what girls talk about :p what we sisters normally go through and the give a-m-a-z-i-n-g advice. Hijab, relationships, solat...everything! my favourite one is this :D to be honest this post made me cry :'( it was so moving.

"You see! These hardships are placed for us to raise our ranks, erase our sins, and test the strength of our faith. These hardships are placed to purify us and bring us closer to Allah. Our hardships are our tickets to paradise"

btw, I've emailed the aunties before and they replied :) so sisters if you have no one to turn to...have no fear you can ask the aunties!

Last but not least...


This is a website i recently found, it was recommended my by the aunties above, jazakallah.

I know most of us can't relate to her....she's a mother of 2, her son khalid is diagnosed with autism. so you ask "then why do you like reading website?" what i love about her website is the way she writes...its uplifting. she has so much courage, she's witty and so so much fun to read though she was just talking about her life and how grateful she was to our creator Allah, despite her son was diagnosed with autism, wow...i mean w-o-w! the fact that she was still able to find peace. mashallah, how beautiful is that? :')

my favourite piece from her: A judgement about judgements

"So go on, hug a scary-looking religious person today! They’re not judging you, and even if they might have been, you were judging them first. So there. :p"

you see what I mean?

so that's all i have got for you today, brothers & sisters :) i hope you have enjoyed my selections! let me know if one of em' becomes your favourite too! :D