Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters!

I'm taking a break from studying :P

Anyways just a quickie update...list of facts I used to not know:

  1. Listening to music is haraam
  2. The aurat of female to female is between the navel and the knees
  3. Interest (Riba) is forbidden in Islam, it is considered to be major sin and haraam wealth. i.e home loan, car loan, credit cards etc.
  4. Believing in horoscope is syirik
  5. Celebrating birthday is bi'diah (innovation) - definitely not permissible
  6. Cleaning/protecting ourselves is an act of worship! (awesome right?!)
  7. If you make doa for your brothers and sisters in faith, an angel will make the same doa for you :')
  8. Ignorance is never a bliss in fact it's the opposite
  9. This world is full of temptations, desires & distractions!
  10. How perfectly "created" the human bodies are, the universe and everything in it! every little details of it is just flawless and beautiful made me realised how indeed great is our creator!