Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The syaitaan can make things look better than it is, sound better than it is, he makes this material world sound so heavenly..........

Ladies & Gents this is what we call entertainment.....yes Facebook, twitter, music, tv series, movies and etc.

I have several questions and I need you all to answer them honestly, no need to post your answer anywhere just think about it....

  • How many hours do you spend on Facebook/day?...compare your answer with how many hours have you spend reading the Al-Quran. Which one is greater?
  • What can you learn in Gossip Girl that can be useful in life? don't you think you can find these answers inside the Al-Quran already?
  • What is inside your Itunes? Music or lectures?which one should be inside your Itunes?
  • Did you skip your prayer because you were watching a movie or on a series marathon?
  • Did you memorize the Quran like you memorize all those useless, distasteful music lyrics?
  • When you're not at home or school/work...are you out and about or are you doing something pleasing to Allah?
All those junks out there are one of the many ways of Syaitaan to keep us 'entertained' until the Judgement Day comes, one of the many ways to keep us from getting closer our creator. So are you being entertained by Syaitaan?