Friday, March 4, 2011

Evil Eye

Assalamualaikum Brothers & sisters! Hi!

yes I've been MIA for awhile :/ anyhoot just a quick update! another E-mail from Spiritual Fix by Navaid Aziz :)

As salam 'alaikum wa rahamatullah,

Is the "Evil Eye" even real? And the answer is YES!

If you recall in the story of Yusuf when the brothers are returning to Egypt after having seen their father the father advises them to enter through different doors and entrances so that they don't get the evil eye, as they were young, strong, and attractive men. Ibn Kathir, one of the famous scholars tafsir, comments on this verse by saying: "Indeed the evil eye is a reality and can make a knight fall off of its horse".

So how do we go about protecting ourselves from the evil eye?

1- Get people into the habit of saying: "Maa shallah". So next time you accomplish something great start your sentence off by saying Maa shallah, and more than likely who ever you're telling will start their sentence the same way.

2- Say your daily adhkhar in the morning and evening (You can look this up in the online version of Hisn Al-Muslim [Fortification of the believer].

3- Before going to bed read last three surahs (the three Quls for us Desis out there) and blow into your hands and rub it over your body. The Prophet (SAW) would do this each night before going to bed. It might be a good time to go freshen your understanding of these surahs, why don't you go read the translation tonight.

Did you benefit from this email? Please forward it to your friends!

May Allah purify and rectify our hearts. Ameen!
Was salam 'alaikum wa rahmatullah
-Navaid Aziz

hmm interesting ;) now busy girl is going to return to her busy world~ LOL