Friday, March 4, 2011

No one but you

Assalamualikum brothers & sisters

I'm actually saving this post for another day but since I'm free...might as well share my thoughts with all of you :) Honestly, I'm exhausted but I just have to share this!

I have this habit of listening to Yusuf Estes while getting ready for work........

What I've learned is that all that is required is our effort and the results is not up to us, it's in the hands of Allah Azza Wajjal.

All we have to do is work for it...Mashallah how easy is that? :')

Just a simple example: Studying

We study for our tests and exams, to achieve the best results.

All we need to do is study and make sure we did our very best and inshallah, Allah will reward us for the great effort we have put into studying. Some of us (including myself) think - study hard = good results but no...That is not the case at all. There are times we studied so hard but the results are disappointing and you questioned yourself, what did you do wrong?

  1. Thinking we have the power to control
  2. Not doing your best ( studying last minute does not count as doing your best )
  3.'s a blessing in disguise :')

Remember the time you studied wayyy in advanced but the result is not what you expected? Though I did mentioned great efforts will be rewarded just few paragraphs ago? lol REMEMBER the time, after being so disappointed with your results despite all never gave up and decided to try harder? And FINALLY it paid off? (If you have given up, clearly you're not trying your best, you're just lazy. lol!) And REMEMBER how satisfying it was? Also REMEMBER the time you were over confident with yourself but ended up dissatisfied?

Bear in mind, Allah knows us best....because he is the one who created every single individuals, he knows us better than we know ourselves. So don't you think the all- knowing knows what he's doing? clearly if he is not giving us what we wanted is not because we do not deserve's because he knows we can do better, we just need a little push :)

Just like a baby learning to walk, they kept falling and tripping but they never stop trying..The baby doesn't give up and decides to crawl for the rest of their lives, right? :P they learn until they could walk and don't you think this applies to us adults too?

So be happy with what Allah have given you..whatever it is - results, wealth, health...everything! be happy and be grateful for what you have say Alhamdulillah (Thanks to be Allah) and don't blame anyone but yourself..don't blame the teacher because she can't teach when there are other teachers who could've taught you or you're just lazy to set a foot at the library. don't blame your friends because you started smoking when obviously you could've said no, don't blame stress/frustration/misery/drama for causing you such a miserable life when you could've prayed to Allah to make it easier for you. Don't blame anyone but yourself because you have brought this upon yourself, your decisions and your efforts- no one but you.