Sunday, April 24, 2011

Patience is the key

Going through life I'm sure you guys have known someone very intolerable, annoying and THE most obnoxious people you've ever met and I admit, I can get very impatient with these kinds of people and it bugs me to my very core. I know, sounds so cliche but it is what it is and I need to learn to be more patient. Again I admit, patience is something that I've been struggling with...patience may come easy for some of you, so be grateful :)

Yes, I am breathing deeply right now. lol and I am counting backwards right which I find very useful at times. sigh. Pray for me brothers and sisters.

“Allah surely loves those who are the Sabireen (patient).” (3:146)

"whatever occurred to you could not have missed you and what missed you could never have reached you. Rewards are only for those who are patient with the Decree of Allah.
Panic and impatience cannot prevent Allah’s Decree. Shakwah (complaining) is contradictory to Sabr (patience). 
 Allah alone can protect you from harm and ease your difficulties. Sabr is obligatory!"