Thursday, May 19, 2011

Alhamdulillah for everything!

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Here I am at my usual "spot" at home and finally have the time to properly update this empty

Have you ever had the feeling when you know Allah is testing your patience?

Yes well I had that feeling today and what made me say this is because I had a really crappy day. Alhamdulillah. lol but yes it was quite an unusual day for me and I don't think I handled it the way it should be..I just thought I could've done a better way I guess.

But the thing is how our day was "suppose to go" is not up to us and I sometimes forget and there was this quote I kept repeating to myself because I am just addicted to the deen show :P and it was...

"whatever befalls you never meant to escape you and whatever have escape you never meant to befall you"

It is basically saying what is meant to's meant to be and what is's not.

And I thought I was a great simple daily reminder for all of us especially when you're just having a rough day and everything just doesn't go as planned and you just feel like ripping your hair out :P or is that just me? haha.

What I'm trying to say matter how much you cry, no matter how much you complain, no matter many times you wish things should've been's not gonna change the fact that it happened and instead of being sucha kid..wouldn't it be easier for you to accept that this is the road Allah chose for you?

And there's another famous verse from the Quran but I'm not sure what surah it is but, it goes something like...

"Allah never burdens someone beyond his scope"

Please if someone know the exact tafsir, please let me know ;) something so short means so much ;) ;)

If you're going through something really tough like losing someone so dear to you always remember we do not have a cruel god (obviously!!) and.."Allah never burdens someone beyond his scope" (pretty straight forward huh?) just remember Allah never "suffers" us if he doesn't think we can handle it.

So yea if you're just having a crappy day like mine just say Alhamdulillah! and accept whatever has been written for us!

And I hope everyone is happy and well.

xxx ( to the sisters only!) :P