Thursday, May 12, 2011

I wanna be a billionaire so freakin' bad....

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

I just want to say something brief and inspired by a very dear friend of mine....

No matter how smart, beautiful and wealthy you are if you don't submit yourself to Allah, you will never find true contentment.

Have you ever felt like you have everything in your life, great family, good home, financially stable, beautiful but there's just something missing in your life and you thought that maybe just maybe you feel lonely and you decided to find a partner who is equally good looking as you are and was deliriously happy for a short while but turns sour? and you keep wondering to yourself why stuff like this keeps happening to you and you blame it on life, saying this is how life is suppose to be? and just doing stuff that just make you happy for few hours either as small as going out with your friends or as serious as fornication or drugs..but every time before you go to bed reality hits you but you're just lying to yourself and say you're happy, even knowing that you're actually not and there's just something missing in your life but you just don't know what it is?

Even if you're lacking on the looks side but you're such a smarty pants and you're expecting people to respect you because of your PhD?

But guess what?

Allah doesn't look at your education, the car you drive, the home you live in, the title you were given or how drop dead gorgeous you are - Allah doesn't create you for this purpose. To him, everyone is equal and what makes you different from each other is your Imaan, your taqwa, your good deeds.

Syaitaan is like the annoying sales person for get-rich-quick scheme, promising you to be a billionaire if you invested this much and blah or sell this product and you can earn this much. Sounds awesome right?

But can he really guarantee you that you'll be a billionaire? (can he really guarantee you that you'll be happy?)