Sunday, May 8, 2011

It's not just a headscarf

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh :)

I just had a sudden inspiration and decided to post it. lol I hope everyone had a great weekend, mine was superb, Alhamdulillah.

So what's this sudden inspiration?

Jeng jeng jeng another hijab post! :P

Before you click the X button please hear me out, if the 1st few lines bores you, feel free to click the X button but I hope you do stay on until the end of the post and hopefully you will benefit something from it. Inshallah :)

I just want to share with all of you on how I come to wearing hijab, just a brief story.....

I never could understand why people perceived me as a ditzy girl and it's safe to say that people do judge you by how you look no matter how hard they try not to, whether you realize it or not ,it's a common thing.

Don't judge a book by it's cover

when you go for a job interview, their first impression will be based on how you dress yourself because how you dress reflects on who you are (I do think this is partially true!) but it's not a full prove thing...I met some amazing people but they don't cover themselves and vice versa, those who cover themselves but seriously in need of a personality make over.

And what I've come to realized is that by wearing my hijab sincerely for Allah sake, it's amazing how people's 1st impression on me started to change how they suddenly so focus on what I have to say rather than passing judgement on me based on how I look.

You know why?

Because the only thing that they can see is your hands and face and they have nothing to base their judgement on except for your words, intellect and manners. Now I'm not saying that I have fully mastered this, believe me I am still far away from being perfect...I have a long longgg way to go.

Being a full time hijabi came naturally to me, it wasn't something I struggled was easy. Alhamdulillah and I fell in love with it instantly! and I love the idea of covering myself and only the exclusive people in my life will be able to see the blessings that Allah had given me :) how I truly do feel more beautiful and not a single make up could make me feel more confident than my hijab.

And I sincerely hope for all my beautiful sisters in faith would find a pious man in their lives, who understands the value of women and the importance of her hijab and treats you with sincere kindness and respect. Amin.

Have a pleasant night everyone :)