Sunday, July 10, 2011

A culture thing yo

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone :)

Culture and religion - 2 things that just get mixed up very often.

Apologies I've been posting things that are related to marriage. lol I'm on a "wedding kick" these days. hehe

Anyhoo, being a muslim doesn't come from 1 skin colour, 1 culture, 1 language or 1 anything. You can be a muslim regardless of your culture, your skin colour and etc. BUT every culture has it's own tradition when it comes to weddings. For example, Malays. When it comes to malay weddings there is just so many things that a girl has to go through nikah, bebadak, bepacar, sanding.....

but is it all completely necessary ? and being in such a "modernized" world, bersanding ( I guess you can call it a wedding reception) at hotel or huge hall is just......something so common now regardless the fact that the only thing that is wajib is nikah and yet we spend so much money on the venue everything has to be so big and so grand and the lame thing is the use "it's my wedding" as an excuse. REALLY? hehe.

It's something to think about yea? I know our wedding day IS special day but do we really need to spend so much money on it?