Monday, July 11, 2011

Hold on!

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh brothers & sisters :)

There's so many things I want to say but I do have very limited vocabulary it is kind of hard to just pour my thoughts out :P lol nonetheless, I am grateful to be able to write “fairly” “semi-ok” English. Lol

I just want to make a quick shout out to all my brothers and sister in faith who just re-entered or re-discovered their faith back again and mashallah it is a beautiful thing J all I can say is I can be an overwhelming feeling for you especially if you’re going through this alone but have no fear Allah is always with you J truth be told, It may not be easy for everyone but just hold on tight! Everything will be worth it.

Now, this is a reminder for you but first of all, it is a reminder for me too. I make mistakes all the time and I don’t claim to be perfect, I am not even close to it and I fall short (how I feel is most of the time) of Allah’s standard but there is always room for improvement and I shall try my best to be the person I wanted to be or should I say the person Allah wants me to be? J Either way we should never lose hope!!

Now I know sometimes things may look a little bleak for you, being a muslim youth can be very difficult..yes it is but it is something we have to endure, no? it is a test from our creator and we shall pass it with flying colours, of course with a combination of your efforts and tons and tons of dua and Ishallah he will make it easy for you.

I do find myself to be a rational person and as weird or as taboo this may sound but truth be told sometimes I don’t see the logic behind a commandment but then it hit me who am I to question a commandment of the creator of the heavens and the earth? AND this shows that there’s so many things that I need to learn…and to understand. It shows my lack of knowledge.

Another thing we need to understand is that, not everything good is going to happen now and what I meant by now is when you’re here in this world, still living and still breathing. The things is we are just so greedy and impatient, everything has to be now..get a beautiful home now, a nice car now up until the extend of consuming riba just to get…..what? Satisfaction? Fame? Happiness? And the thing is…it’s not even permanent!! Allah promised us the same thing that this world does but 1000000000 times better! But he promised to give true satisfaction, true happiness…later on, in our eternal life. What we have right now is temporary happiness.

Ok fine this is not a quick shout out :P

But what I’m trying to say is, hold on J everything will be a-ok! Don’t worry, Just pray!

”Never a believer is stricken with a discomfort, an illness, an anxiety, a grief or mental worry or even the pricking of a thorn but Allah will expiate his sins on account of his patience.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

"But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you and Allah knows, while you not"[2:216] Surah Al-Baqarah