Sunday, July 3, 2011

I now pronounce you husband and wife!!

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone!

My 1st post for July :)

First of all, I hope everyone is great and doing very very well :))

Second of all, I wanted to post 2 more posts before June ends....but - FAILED!


Lastly I hope everyone enjoyed their Isra & Miraj and took full advantage of that day!

Today was my 2nd cousin's wedding day and I cried. yes I cried...not because she looks absolutely stunning nor was I crying because of her wedding dress but because of the Imam's speech, well I wouldn't call it a speech more like a piece of advise for the newlyweds...and to everyone else too. Funny enough, I've been through so many weddings and I never ever cried before.....because I never understood how important finding a partner was.

Just a summary of what the Imam said the husband should take care of his wife's every need and tried the best of his ability to make sure that his wife and children are perfectly happy and to raise a family and produce children that are pious and god conscious and there was a little section of the speech was about unlawful relationships and responsibilities of both of the husband and the wife, about divorce and how it suppose to go about.

You know how girls have this "list" of characteristics and blah about the type of guy she wants to marry? he must be tall, he must be handsome, must be funny and the list goes on and on.

Funny enough, through out this whole journey of finding their soul mate...women/men deliberately omit 1 particular characteristics or simply did not put into account cause they this is less important or is something that can be done after they get married and that is, to have piety. The thing is, piety doesn't come naturally when you get married...piety is not something that can be achieved through marriage.

Don't get what I mean?

Let's just use one very common example and of course none other than The Hijab.

Ok, whether we made a conscious decision or not but women sometimes made a decision to wear the hijab after she gets married, thinking "it's the right time" to wear hijab since they are someone's wife now and they wear them for the sake of their husband but the thing is, we wear the hijab for the sake of pleasing Allah not the husband or marriage or whatever other reasons that they have, do not get me wrong, it's lovely that they are wearing the headscarf but do you really want to wear it for the wrong reason?

If you marry someone who doesn't have a single ounce of piety in them and produce offsprings who knows so little about their religion, just as you are and there they go, committing all sorts of sins in their youth. The question is, Who's fault is it? The parents who did not raise the offspring according to their religion or the child itself, who was pretty much born in a family which does not/little practice of the religion?

During the day of judgement, our children will be a shield for us during that day....if we raise them right. We know how much of an impact of our friends can be, same goes to our life long partner, to have a pious partner helps you to increase your love for Allah and you will do everything you can to please him which include being a good wife/husband/mother/father :)