Thursday, June 23, 2011

Iman checklist

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone!

Remember the day, you made the intention to be the best muslim you could be? so eager to please Allah and now looking back, seeing how far you've gone?

The thing is we have to remember, intention is not something we made once and be forever obedient to Allah, no it's not like that..there are times where our Iman is so high and there are times where our Iman is unbelievably low. After all we are all humans and we make mistakes, every time we sin it takes away a bit of our Iman and if we don't cleanse our heart, it gets dirtier and dirtier and our connection/ties with Allah gradually weakened and become non-existent and that is not something we want, it's a scary thought isn't it?

So it's important for us muslims to stay from the things that Allah had forbade us, to keep far far away from them, We all have our weaknesses and desires..if it is going against what Allah had told us not to commit it is best for us to stay away.


All I can say is, we are nothing without Allah..we are nothing without his mercy. Again, after all we are humans and we are prone to mistakes. We are weak, who are we to say that we can "handle" this dunia without him? and truth be told, I have to learn this the hard way.

So brothers and sisters, keep you Iman in check :) if you need an extra boost of Iman, feel free to add on extra good deeds to your normal regime i.e. sunnah prayers, fasting, reading an extra page of the quran, doing charity (did you know your smile is considered a charity? so keep smiling!) and etc. there are loads and the possibility is endless!

If you are working for a big company that has an operator/extension phone services, you know the machine that would greet you before asking for the extension number? If you live in Brunei, try calling DST's headquarters and you know what I'm talking about :P lol

Would it be amazing if your voice has been recorded for it and the 1st thing you say is "assalamualaikum"? IMAGINE all the people you have greeted with salam, imagine the good deeds you have accumulated for every single call the company had received! I would be absolutely jealous. lol.

Anyhoo, I hope everyone is well! have an awesome Friday!