Monday, August 15, 2011

Would you dare?

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone.

wow, it's half way through Ramadhan already.

I've been meaning to post this few weeks ago but I could never find the right time or even the right words to create a post about it but alhamdulillah I finally got the inspiration to do so :)

so here goes...(the question that has been lingering...)

Would you misbehave in class if you know your teacher is watching you? would you dare? Would you dare sin knowing your lord is watching your every move,listening to your every thoughts? knowing what you did every single second of the day?

Would you backbite? would you gossip? would you slander?

The thing we must understand is, Allah is constantly watching us, there is not time that he is not.

For example, if you cheat in the exam and got caught the punishment is immediate BUT in this case if you sin, the punishment is in the hereafter.

there's so many things inside my head I want to say right now but it is currently all jumbled up :( Inshallah I'll get my opinions straight and I shall post it tomorrow. Inshallah.

For now, I'll let you ponder over the questions above :)