Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sinning is like Junk Food pt II

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Remember the time you vowed to yourself that you'll exercise 6 times a week and eat healthy?

was it achieved?

if your answer is yes then Mashallah, that is amazing! :)

If your answer is no then I feel you brothers & sisters :P

Truth be told, it IS difficult to just drop your old eating habit and start a new one especially if you have difficulties in facing changes. Just like is NOT easy to just let go of things that you love and work so hard on but that doesn't mean it is impossible because it is possible dearest :)

You don't need to take a leap because baby steps is enough, no one is expecting you to change overnight, take it slowly and Inshallah you'll get there.

Hang in there. don't worry, just pray <3