Friday, December 30, 2011

Bad habits die hard

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

It’s been a year since I have “returned” to Islam, Alhamdulillah :)

However, I found myself to be in a state of plateau 3-4 months ago and I really want to stir things up a little (in a good way I mean) and I just want to start again at my own pace. Truth be told, I hate change whether it is for the good or for the bad..I find myself hard to adjust. Thus, I want to start with something small like praying extra Salah :D

Though, I will not take a leap and start praying all the extra salah but to start with 2 rakaat before Fadjr and Witr after Isya and gradually add on more inshallah :)

I like to plan everything but I don’t necessarily follow it 100%. I stumbled upon this website and I have to admit, I honestly think it’s easy and quite feasible. So here me out brothers & sisters. IF you are trying to find a way to change or “add on” like reading an extra page of the Quran or start reading the translations but never got it or maybe you’re just in a state of plateau and just want to do something different or to stop a bad habit and etc.

Things you need to do :

1st step: you need to identify the bad habits you want to stop/rid of or start doing, make a proper list if you can.

2nd step: give yourself ample time to complete all the things on your list i.e. to complete within 1 year/3 months/6 months and etc.

3rd step: you want to take 2 or more habits on your list that you want to start doing and 2 or more habits on your list you want to stop/rid of.

For Example:

habits to start doing:
  • Pray extra salah
  • Drinking 2L of water a day
habits to stop:
  • Watching tv series
  • biting your nails

Once you get a grasp on this, continue to STOP the bad habits and continue the good habits as you go along, keep ADDING 'the things you want to do' on your list and do them within the time frame you have set for yourself :)

Simple eh? In theory, it sounds really promising and I'm truly excited to try :) if you decided to go on this journey with me, let me know! Hope this helps, Inshallah and I would like to thank Gracious pantry for the steps above, thought it was meant for people who wants to loose weight but hey it might just work on other things too :)