Thursday, August 9, 2012

A good kind of painful

Assalamualaikum everyone

There is always something or someone we love so much, so much so that it is taking a huge chuck of our hearts without realizing it, a place that is meant to be filled for the love of Allah and for him only and yet we filled with the wrong things and our heart breaks.

Thus, my brothers and sisters in Deen, if this is the place where you are now...I would suggest you to empty your heart and fill it with the remembrance of Allah (dhikr), his words and his love. The thing is, it doesn't matter WHAT we are attached to, what matters is HOW unhealthy is our attachment is to that thing whether is it to a person who is your mahram or worse a person who is not. or maybe you have an unhealthy attachment to your money and etc. It'll take you a strong stomach to realize this but once you do, please take the initiative to change for the better. The process of this change will hurt you, it will be a painful experience depending on how strong your attachment to someone/something is. 

I must admit, it feels like you're detoxing your heart but wallahi my dear brothers and sisters, it is the best decision you could have ever make. If you feel like you're slipping away and in verge of returning to your unhealthy attachments, please stay strong and make plenty of Do'a and keep yourself busy with the remembrance of  Allah and remind yourself WHY you are doing this, what works for me is that I keep reminding myself, sometimes when you are at the verge of giving up you forgot and lose focus on what/why your purpose of doing this and for whom you are doing this for and you start making excuses that you don't have an unhealthy obsession but truth be told, we know we do. So, the first step to realize.

I know this might be a roller coaster ride for you emotionally and it is going to be painful but it is a good kind of pain, if you get what I am saying :) you're doing it to attain the pleasure of Allah SWT, you re struggling to attain his pleasure. Don't you think the roller coaster ride will be worth it in the end? :)