Thursday, January 31, 2013

Six pillars of faith: to believe in pre-ordainment

To believe in pre-ordainment is one of our six pillars of faith. when things don't go our way sometimes we get angry, depressed and sad. consciously or unconsciously, we like to plan things whether its your life, an event or something as small as planning to wear a particular outfit. We never stop and realize that things didn't go according to our plan, it goes according to Allah's plan. We never stop and think that THIS is already written for us and God is the best of planner. Never we just stop crying...and truly truly think..hey, this is what God has planned for me.

We sulk and think of ll the possible what if's, should've, would've, could've questions. Why do we torture ourselves with such questions?

Take a moment and contemplate...why should such questions even exists? if God is already the best of planner and things are going according to HIS plans..than why? why would you torture yourself with something that is insignificant? Why put yourself in a state of sadness and depression when you could've just be happy for what is already written for you?

We planned our lives so far ahead, we forgot that Allah might have other plans for us...a better one. God is the all-knowing...however we are not. Live for today because tomorrow might not come for us, don't worry about the future until it arrives. don't grief about the past because no amount of tears, sadness and anger could've un-do what was done. Instead focus on today and what you can do today to be a better person, a better slave to God.