Wednesday, February 8, 2012

January quotes part 3

Assalamualaikum everyone!

I was wrong, turns out I did re-tweet a lot :p Overdue January quotes part 3! so I decided not to include February quotes in this post :))

 Islamic Thoughts 

You can't control how you feel about something. But you can decide your attitude towards it. 

 I Love Islam 

Build your life around Islam, don't try to fit Islam around your life

 Usamah Khan 

I think some people should get two Facebook accounts... one for each face.

 I Love Islam 

"If everyone knew the true status of a Muslim women in Islam, even the men would want to be women" -Shaykh Akram Nadawi

 I Love Islam 

Many people are so distant from religion & God that when He punishes them they don't even realize it is the All-Mighty who has punished them

 Aishah Nofal 

Ya Allah, help us focus on the akhira and protect us from getting lost in this dunya. Ameen.

 I Love Islam 

After all the pain & all the tears, you eventually learn to trust only yourself & Allah

 Islamic Thoughts 

If you truly care for somebody, make dua for them. If you truly dislike somebody, make dua for them. Dua is universal. It heals everything.

 Islamic Thoughts 

Allaahumma innaka ‘afoowun tuhibbul‘afwa fa’foo’anni. “O, Allah! You are the Forgiving, You love to forgive. Forgive me.” 

 I Love Islam 

When it comes to working for the hereafter do what you have to do today because tomorrow may come but you may not be around to see it.

 Islamic Thoughts 

Your life is a gift from the Creator. Your gift back to the Creator is what you do with your life. 

 I Love Islam 

Age wrinkles the body, but disobeying Allaah wrinkles the soul.

 I Love Islam 

Faith is not about everything turning out ok, Faith is about being ok no matter how things turn out.

 Islamic Thoughts 

It doesn't take strength to hold a grudge; it takes strength to let go of one.  


As humans we forget that we're not as strong as we think, we are but weaklings. The best way to get back that strength is to drop in sujjud

 I Love Islam 

Muslims believe in Quran and Sunnah, and should not believe in superstition

 Islamic Thoughts 

Do not betray anyone who places his trust in you … even if he betrays you.