Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Would you rather.....

Assalamualaikum everyone :)

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening (depending when you're reading this, lol )

I shall post my January quotes tomorrow along with bits of February, I've been busy and I don't think I've re-tweeted much so expect something tomorrow :)

Here are the things that have been in my mind for the past few days or even weeks....

I would rather know what I need to know to succeed in this life like our creator wants us to than to know what this dunya has to offer me and constantly feeding my ego and my ill desires that can never be satisfied.

I would rather taste the bitterness of disobeying Allah than feeling numb and ignorant.

There is a difference between putting food on the table and putting luxury items on the table. I would rather be suffice and happy than being rich and unhappy.

I would rather have just one friend, who reminds me of Allah, that way they know how to be a friend than having a lot friends that do not even know a single thing about being someone's friend.

Let me know what you rather have :)